Well I’m back in Kenya working with potential partners.
I’ve spent a week at IcFEM mission and their Dreamsland Hospital and Dreamlands school. Great people and a great organisation with lots of potential starfish to throw in medicine, accounts, admin etc.. They also oversee 1600 village transformation fellowships with thousands of members – not sure there are any starfish to throw in these as I judge the work is done better with nationals! I also attended a local community meeting and was welcomed by the big chief of the area and his assistant (cream tops on in the photo) who has promised to write to me
This morning I preached at Soweto Baptist church in the Kibera slum which is always a privilege. Great to meet up with Pastor Evans and to hear testimonies of what God did when we were there last summer. In spite of all the redevelopment work going on, there seems to be even more rubbish around everywhere and it is so hot and dusty!
Tomorrow I am back in Kibera to see the school at work in the morning, then off to Mwea, Kerugoya and Embu for meetings with St Andrew’s theological college, Anglican Development Services and the Anglican Church.
So far there seem to be loads of potential starfish to throw.